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Oak Park Crop Swap

A community effort to improve residents access to fresh wholesome food. Join the group to grow and trade fresh produce in Oak Park.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Start of the 2011 Season

The Oak Park Crop Swap will begin it's fourth year of operation in July! And as I write this post, the Oak Park Community Garden is under construction. Going back 4 years, we were at a meeting at NeighborWorks Sacramento, determining the best way to get a community garden in our neighborhood. We knew it would be a very long process, and that is before the severe budget crisis the City of Sacramento is now facing. Fortunately, with the help of community members and members of our City Council, Oak Park will have a community garden of it's own at 12th and MLK. Unfortunately, it probably won't be ready for the beginning of the Crop Swap, so we will hold the Crop Swap at McClatchy Park where the Farmers Market is held (every Sat. from 9:00 to 1:00) until we are able to join the community garden.

The Crop Swap was a result of that meeting, we wanted Oak Park to have access to a gardening community and that is what we have all been creating for the past four years. Personally, I have learned so much from the Crop Swap and developed more friendships with my neighbors just by participating in a simple weekly event for a couple months out of the year.

Looking forward to a new season in 2011!

Here is what's growing in my garden:

The lettuce is doing great! The cool, rainy weather has helped the lettuce grow and not bolt!

Nasturtium and green beans. I love nasturtium, seeds were planted three years ago and every year it self seeds and grows beautiful plants.